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There’s No Set Path To Success: Why It’s Never Too Late To Achieve Your Dreams

Too Late To Achieve Your Dreams 1 When it comes to the entrepreneurs that own the spotlight, we all know them by name. Zuckerberg, Spiegel, Sims — the CEOs of companies like Facebook, Snapchat andCodecademy – all have one thing in common.

They are the type of young, hot shot businessmen who the media has come to love, the likes of which lists like Forbes’ 30 under 30 were made for.

These are the figures who grab the press’ attention the most, but contrary to the amount of coverage they get as opposed to others, they are not the only entrepreneurs who have amazing stories that stem from the creation of even more amazing businesses.

Now, one curator has gone out of her way to create a visual representation that emphasizes that point.

Anna Vital of Funders and Founders put together a series of infographics that proves it’s never too late to make your shot at success.

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As the site DigitalSynopsis.com points out, if Vital’s graphic isn’t convincing enough, there are even more examples of people who made their most notable marks in life after they’d been around the block.

Evan Williams co-founded Twitter at the age of 35. Niklas Zannstromm created Skype when he was 37. Still not old enough for you? Ariana Huffington started the Huffington Post when she was 54. Now the site is one of the most popular platforms amongst younger demographics.

Vital’s work didn’t stop at detailing the ages when other people achieved their dreams, though; the artist also created graphics to show that people truly have no reason to ever give up.

While some people’s cynicism is inclined to increase with age, Vital includes the mere fact that we are alive as reason not only to keep going, but also to believe that we can actually make it.


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Lost time, though, isn’t the only thing that could dissuade someone from believing in him or herself, nor is the experience of failure enough to make another give up.

Finding oneself, however, on a different path than that which is ideal could cause serious doubt in personal ability. Like the aspiring actor who is a waiter, or the accountant who works as a blogger on the side, those who don’t seem themselves on a straight path to their dreams will have reason to believe that they’ll never make it to the end of the road.

But there is no written rule that demands no twists and turns be taken on the path to success. In fact, many of the world’s most successful people have to go through detours, and may even have found their way whilst doing so, proving that the best routes are sometimes found while in the midst of misdirection.

